Tuesday 29 January 2013

Purple Seaweed (Grade AAA)

This 1-month semester break, my mom introduced to me upon Purple Seaweed Grade AAA. 
its a pure marine collagen.
this kinda seaweed is easily found in Semporna and Kota Kinabalu in Sabah (the places I know).
there're two types of seaweed which can be consumed as meditative and cosmetic alternative:

Yellow Seaweed (Grade A)
-processed by steaming
-processed thrice
-less salty
-less nutritive 

Purple Seaweed (Grade AAA)
-naturally processed
-processed once
advantages of purple seaweed; it does what collagen truly does:
*makes skin even fairer
*improves liver and kidney function
* detoxification
*anti-sinusitis and anti-acne
*improves intestinal system
*breast firming (18++ minded please guysss)
*reduces migraine
*strengthens the joints of the body
*reduces high blood pressure
*heals foot cracks

anddd soo manyy moreee....

how to wash it  and to be consumed?????
1.wash the collagen (like rice-washing)  for 5-6x
2.soak the washed collagen with water for 1 whole night
3.remove the soaked water and rewash it for 5-6x
4.add 100g of collagen with 2L water to be boiled
5.boil with small flame for 30-45mnts
6.stir evenly
7. add flour or tamarind/honey/ginseng if necessary to get rid of the unpleasant smell 
(my mom add Sunquick to develop sour taste besides providing Vitamin C) 

this collagen can be eaten or benefited as a masker:
Recently.. I masked my face using this collagen every single night. Like other masks, this tighten up the skin face and all the benefits we may gain exactly as we eat it.    
anyone who wants to try one, catch me yarrr!

thats it! good day guysss....~


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