Wednesday 24 October 2012

Break-fasting Reunion

Nama penuh : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tinggi Perempuan Melaka
Nama old timer : Malacca Girls High School  
Juga dikenali sbg : STPM, MGHS, MG
Status : Sekolah Asrama Harian, Sekolah Cluster (2009)

hey,, meme la kena kerek sikit... 
sekolah perempuan mcm ni selalunya ada 'act' tersendiri. 
me myself cant deny it.. ( I dont even know why it did so)

so this is the 2# time, the girls and I went out for breasfasting-reunion
itu pun nak dekat2 raya
sebab nak tunggu ramai2 cuti raya balik melaka
the first time we reunion, we went out for Pizza hut, 
but this time we rocked out The Windmill 

usually, we fill up the stomach first yet we hang around doing activities
dah tu.. kalau da time puasa.. jadahnyee nak isi perut dulu??!
so we occupied the space before the breakfasting with bowling
the first thought came across to me when the girls decided for bowling is : my outfit. 
jahanam ala ala Arabic aku !!
the shoes Vs the whity.. super unCOOL haihh
the game ends, its a turn for washroom.. 
touch up touch up, betul betul kan shawl senget, bulu mata senget.. 
in front of the mirror, this is the time we compared ourselves each other..
who has the biggest... tett....
whos the blablablabla.........!
as a teacher once said, GIRLS ALWAYS BE GIRLS  
the young's attitude now begin
"ok girls, everyone look at the mirror - snap!!"
snap! snap!
never care about what people may say..
we just snap! snap! snap!
as long as we enjoyed ourselvess.. ahhaha

its a yeah yeah time!!!
wolla The Windmill!!
!no shot please. cant u see Im busy!! ahhahha.. yumm yummmy

there were more girls arrived the time we got closer to the breakfasting
there were actually more girls wanna joined. 
but u know, not all plans go as planned
sooo... 12 orang pun jadiii!!!!!

after the lil feast, they went for shopping. 
the Eid was getting closer.
but I cant join them, I went to Alor Setar on the spot on the night.
well, Alhamdulillah at least I was given the chance 
to have a few hours with now I so-called the LADIES..
it made me felt enough blessed

and you girls are my STARS!!!

Take Good Care
Good Luck in your studies/jobs

lots of love, 
Azwin Abu Bakar

1 comment:

  1. salam mak cik. xde ke follower box??? ke ni mmg blog private je?? nenek kat sini nak follow blog makcik. follow blog nenek tq makcik.


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